webinars 2024
The active participation in prior webinars is necessary for all students who want to receive ECTS credits. If you are not free on the day of the webinar, you can access the recorded sessions.
The webinars are free for all participants of the esss and we recommend all participants to attend.

Günther Hansen
Research Inteligence Manager, Elsevier
Thursday 22nd of August, 15.30 – 16.30 CET
Publication Based Research Area Analysis: New Perspectives in Scopus AI and SciVal
The webinar introduces latest bibliometric developments of Elsevier within Scopus / Scopus AI and SciVal with a focus on research areas: Whereas Scopus AI revolutionizes the retrieval of a text-based summary on any research question applying Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier’s solution for publication analysis, SciVal, has recently come up with a new calculation of around 94,000 Research Topics of Prominence. Any research area, prominent or less prominent, is subject to a more and more pressing question by stakeholders in and outside of research: What societal impact can be seen from this specific research area?

Valentin Bogorov
Strategic Customer Success Consultant, Clarivate
Tuesday, 27th of August, 15.00 – 16.00 CET
Web of Science, InCites, Journal Citation Reports: Tools and Data for Bibliometric Analysis and Assessment
This webinar delves into essential Clarivate data and tools that empower bibliometric research and assessment in the era of rapidly evolving global research landscape and expanding universe of scholarly information. Web of Science offers unparalleled depth of comprehensive publication and citation data, InCites provides advanced analytics and benchmarking capabilities, and Journal Citation Reports furnishes detailed journal-level publication and citation metrics. This webinar will explore the unique features and applications of each tool, demonstrating how they collectively contribute to a robust framework for bibliometric analysis. Attendees will learn how to leverage these instruments to uncover insights into research trends, assess the impact of scholarly work, and make informed decisions that drive research excellence.

Jürgen Wastl
VP Research Evaluation and Global Challenges, Digital Science
Wednesday 28th of August, 15.00 – 16.00 CET
Altmetric and Dimensions, giving you a greater view and understanding of published research!
The Altmetric Explorer is an intuitive platform that enables you to monitor the online active surrounding academic research. Using Dimensions as well, you will be able to drill down to see what grants and patents have generated published work, as well as seeing how researchers are connected.
As an attendee of ESSS, you will be able to use both the full Altmetric and Dimensions databases, to be able to track work from Universities, Funders and Publishers.
Some of the things you can achieve by using these systems include:
Analyse the citation corpus
Track influence as it happens
Ensure effective reputation management
Support your researchers
Inform strategic decision making
Report on outcomes and trends
Improve grant application success
You can use both the Explorer and Dimensions to run reports and analyse attention on research that matters to you, you can do this by creating custom shareable reports, exporting your saved searches to CSV files to create additional graphs, using the API to do more in-depth reporting as needed.
You will receive access to the Altmetric Explorer and Dimensions soon, which will give you access for the length of the Summer School.
The establishment of esss is very timely. The increasing use of bibliometrics for funding and evaluative purposes, and in international university rankings, makes it essential for more people to develop a detailed understanding of the disciplines strengths and weaknesses. The contributing partners in this new initiative are to be congratulated for putting together an outstanding program.