lecturers Vienna 2024

Prof. Dr. Massimo Aria
Universita‘ degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Massimo Aria is a full professor in Statistics for Social Sciences at the Department of Economics and Statistics of the University of Naples Federico II and Ph.D. in Computational Statistics.
His main research fields are bibliometrics, science mapping, systematic literature reviews, and machine learning. He led several statistical surveys about economic, social, ethological, and healthcare phenomena.
He is co-founder of the academic spin-off K-Synth and author of four open-source statistical software:
- Bibliometrix R Package
An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis and quantitative research in scientometrics and bibliometrics. - pubmedR
A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from the ‚PubMed‘ database using the ‚NCBI‘ REST API. - dimensionsR
A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from ‚Digital Science Dimensions‘ using ‚DSL‘ API. - PLS-SEM Matlab Toolbox
A Matlab/Octave package to estimate Structural Equation Models with Partial Least Squares algorithm (SEM-PLS, PLS-SEM, or PLS Path Modeling).
Google Scholar page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Qu66YZQAAAAJ&hl=it

Valentin Bogorov
Strategic Customer Success Consultant, Clarivate
Valentin Bogorov is a strategic customer success consultant at Clarivate. He has over 11 years of experience advising libraries, universities, research organisations, and government agencies on bibliometric analysis and data-driven decisions to promote research excellence, innovation, and impact. Valentin is based in the UK and has worked with Clarivate customers and partners in over a dozen of countries. Prior to joining Clarivate he held a number of positions in public policy and administration consulting, working with major international organisations, including the World Bank, the European Commission, and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development. He did his graduate studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and taught at Concordia University, St. Paul. Valentin is passionate about empowering scientists, research administrators, and librarians to navigate and thrive in the evolving global landscape of research and innovation.

Prof. Dr. Corrado Cuccurullo
Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy
Corrado Cuccurullo, Ph.D., is a full professor in Accounting and Corporate Governance at the Department of Management and Economics of the University of Campania – Luigi Vanvitelli.
He has an extensive teaching, research, managerial and consulting experience. He currently is the Chairman of State-Owned enterprise (1.3 billion in turnover) that operates in purchasing, technological infrastructure, and digital innovation in healthcare and public administration.
Together with Massimo Aria, he founded the academic spin-off K-Synth and designed Bibliometrix (2016). He founded, with other colleagues, other digital start-ups and designed other business intelligence and data analytics software.
Google Scholar page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=it&user=mfW3fRwAAAAJ

Dr. Nicola De Bellis
Bibliometric Office, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Nicola De Bellis is the coordinator of the Bibliometric Office and an adjunct professor of information science at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He graduated in philosophy and obtained a PhD in the history of science in 1998, with a doctoral dissertation on Renaissance encyclopedias that was later developed into one of the first accounts of the history of citation analysis. Since joining a medical library in 2002, he has worked at the intersection of service-oriented and research-based interests in information science, history and philosophy of science. His work group currently supports research evaluation, open science activities, and gender-related projects at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, focusing primarily on advanced quantitative and qualitative analyses and reporting. He also collaborates with the CINECA consortium to develop nationwide bibliometric indicators within a CRIS environment.

Dr. Simone Di Leo
Sapienza University, Italy
Simone Di Leo is a Research Fellow at Sapienza University of Rome with a focus on quantitative economic analysis. He has a PhD in Industrial and Management Engineering.
He is specialized in micro-data analysis and data quality in higher education institutions in Europe. His main research fields are scientometrics, non-parametric analysis and systematic literature reviews.
Personal website: https://simonedileo.github.io/
Google Scholar page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=uXEtOBsAAAAJ&hl=it

Günther Hansen
Research Intelligence Manager, Elsevier
Günther Hansen has been working in various roles at Elsevier for 14 years, currently serving as Research Intelligence Manager for Research Intelligence in the markets of Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein. He is mainly responsible for Pure, SciVal, Scopus, and other publication-based analytics platforms. From 2004 to 2007, Günther was involved in the sales of translation rights for Science & Technology Books at Elsevier in Oxford, England. This was followed by a scientific position from 2008 to 2009 at the Leibniz Association, Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF) in the field of Open Access. Günther holds a Master’s degree in German Studies and Educational Sciences (University of Stuttgart) as well as in Library and Information Management (HdM Stuttgart).

Angela McGuire
Angela McGuire works in the Research Collaboration Unit at Elsevier and is responsible for driving projects centered around deriving insights and methods for demonstrating societal impact. She partners with higher education institutions to facilitate development of new tools and methods with a view to achieve better outcomes for the research evaluation community.
Angela has come to Elsevier after 20 years in the higher education sector including her PhD at Flinders University and most recently as Senior Data Analyst in the Research Office at the University of Tasmania, Australia. Angela’s interests lie in developing new ways to measure and demonstrate the societal impact of research. She loves to see insights turn into action, is always open to hearing new perspectives and is keen to collaborate to find innovative solutions to tackle the problems of our future.

Yves Moreau
KU Leuven, Belgium
Yves Moreau is a professor of bioinformatics at the University of Leuven, Belgium. His team focuses on artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for the integration of complex data in clinical genomics and drug discovery. He is also a concerned scientist engaged in a reflection on how information technology and artificial intelligence are transforming our world and on how to make sure this transformation is beneficial for all. In particular, he actively pushes back against the emergence of surveillance societies that has been made possible by technological advances. He has been actively investigating abuses of DNA profiling technology in Xinjiang and Kuwait. Beyond pointing at the responsibility of governments, he also demands that tech companies be liable for the reckless supply of technology that is key to human rights abuses. Moreover, he is actively pursuing the reevaluation of unethical biometric research, in particular on forensic population genetics and facial recognition, and has obtained the retraction of 32 unethical journal articles so far. His work has been covered in major scientific journals, such as Nature and Science, and news outlets, such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and the BBC. He received the 2023 Einstein Foundation Individual Award for Promoting Quality in Research.

Janne Pöllönen
Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, Helsinki
Janne Pölönen is Secretary General for Publication Forum at Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV). Since 2010, Pölönen has participated in the development of community-curated national classification of peer-reviewed journals and book publishers (Publication Forum), which supports the performance-based research funding system of Finnish universities. Lic.Phil. in history, specialising in ancient Roman law and society research, his recent work is in the fields of scholarly communication, bibliometrics, research assessment, open science and learned societies. He is also a member of the CoARA Steering Board, coordinator of CoARA WG on Multilingualism and Language Biases in Research Assessment, and advocate for the Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication.

Dr. Dimity Stephen
German Centre for Higher Education and Research Studies (DZHW), Berlin, Germany
Dimity Stephen is a post-doctoral researcher at the German Centre for Higher Education and Research Studies (DZHW) in Berlin, Germany. She holds a bachelor’s in psychology and a PhD in public health from Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. Dimity’s main research interests lie in applying bibliometric methods to interrogate research on research questions in the areas of questionable publishing practices, peer review, academic research quality, and altmetrics.

Asst.Prof. Dr. Bart Thijs
Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM), KU Leuven, Belgium
Bart Thijs is a research expert in bibliometrics at the Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM) and professor at the department of Management, Strategy and Innovation both at KU Leuven. His main research focusses on application of network analysis techniques in areas like Science Mapping.
In 1999 he graduated at the same university in Psychology with a specialization in Statistics. He spent several years in industry as a statistical consultant, there he gained experience in the application of automated data analysis. In 2002 he joined the newly created policy research centre on R&D statistics at the KU Leuven. In 2010 he received his PhD from the Leiden University.
He co-authored more than 60 journal and conference contributions on a broad range of topics in scientometrics. Along his research he also teaches a course on large scale network analysis at the Master of Artificial Intelligence program at KU Leuven.

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Tschiatschek
Faculty of Computer Science, Research Network Data Science, University of Vienna
Sebastian Tschiatschek is associate professor for Machine Learning at the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Vienna and a member of the Research Network Data Science. He received his PhD from Graz University of Technology. After his PhD, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at ETH Zurich and a senior researcher in the machine learning and perception group at Microsoft Research in Cambridge. He develops (probabilistic) machine learning algorithms for handling structured objects and sequential decision-making. His research focuses on expressive models for heterogeneous data, the impact of uncertainty and its quantification for decision-making, and on the alignment of goals of humans and intelligent algorithms.

Dr. Jürgen Wastl
VP Research Evaluation and Global Challenges, Digital Science
Jürgen Wastl is VP Research Evaluation and Global Challenges at Digital Science and brings in his experience from his previous role leading the consultancy team supporting research institutions, funders, governments, and other institutions with research capabilities to make more and better use of data to inform their strategies and decisions.
Before joining Digital Science, he headed the Research Information team at the Research Strategy Office at the University of Cambridge with responsibilities for activities in research evaluation and reporting as well as managing and implementing software tools and research identifiers (e.g. ORCID) for Academics and Administrators and was responsible for the provision and implementation of analysis (including network and collaboration analysis) for Collegiate Cambridge.
As president of the ISSI (International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics) I highly welcome the esss initiative. The advantages and opportunities arising from collaboration and participation by members of several leading European institutes are manifold. Surely, students and workers in the field will benefit greatly, not only from the contents of the courses themselves but also by participating in a network of interested parties.
I wish all involved a successful partnership.