The esss 2024 in Vienna was a great success! We would like to thank all participants and speakers. The next esss will take place September 8 to 12 2025 in Granada/Spain!

The esss provides training and state-of the art insight into scientometrics with the corresponding methods, procedures, indicators as well as the available database products for scientometric analyses. The program combines theoretical knowledge and its practical application in various contexts ranging from research to the provision of scientific policy advice to research evaluation.
We train researchers, especially PhD candidates and early-career researchers, research managers, librarians and information scientists with a professional interest in science and technology indicators and their application.

The intelligent use of scientometrics, which is increasingly a must, requires rigorous training in the nooks and cranny of bibliometric methods. The esss is a timely response to this urging need, and the four organisations behind the initiative have demonstrated their professionalism in this field which is a guarantee that summer students will be exposed to sound practice and clever thinking.

— Éric Archambault, Ph.D., Former President and CEO of Science-Metrix Inc.

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