ECTS credits
Transfer of ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System):
The European Summer School for Scientometrics (esss) is entitled to award 3 ECTS points for participation.
ECTS points will be awarded to participants compliant with the following requirements:
BEFORE the course:
- active participation in prior webinars (dates are announced in due time). Alternatively, participants can access the recorded sessions.
- pre-reading of suggested material to an extent of approximately 15 hours (reading list is provided by e-mail)
Overall preparation time prior to the summer school has to comprise 20 hours.
DURING the course:
- active participation in all lectures and hands-on sessions
- a presentation focusing on the results obtained at the hands-on sessions due on the last day.
The final versions are to be sent by e-mail to office@scientometrics-school.eu within two weeks after the end of the course at the latest.
The University of Vienna will then issue official ECTS-certificates for all compliant participants.
For further questions please contact our office: office@scientometrics-school.eu.
The esss is a wonderful initiative. Although bibliometrics are becoming more and more important in research evaluation, there is a general lack of appreciation of the intricacies of the different research metrics and data sources. esss will play a key role in building up expertise in this area.